Thursday, July 3, 2008
Finally, I can now sleep. The days leading to my filing for resignation last May 30 up until today were filled with anxiety. First, I was stumped because I did not know what to write in the letter. The next obstacle was how to tell my bosses and later on, the team. I thought about who my successor will be, the turnover of responsibilities, cleaning and clearing my perpetually messy desk and finally, writing my farewell message. As a result, I’ve had pimple after pimple and my skin allergies have become active again. I therefore conclude that resignation is bad for the skin (for mine, at least).
Finally, I don’t have to wake up at 4:30 a.m. Yes, you read that right. I live in Marilao, Bulacan where everything is two hours away (except SM Marilao, of course). To get to work, I have to endure a 5-minute tricycle ride, a 30-minute jeepney ride, a 10-minute taxi ride, a 25-minute MRT ride and lastly, a 15-minute bus ride to the Fort. Exhausting? Not quite. Just imagine the time spent in between each ride, waiting in line with the rest of humanity. That, to me, is more tiring. Try doing that routine again going home and I assure you, it will not always be a pleasant experience. However, like a good soldier, I get to the office at 7:30ish, rain or shine, albeit looking a little harassed. No worries, as I still have time to take a nap, put on makeup or even have a second round of breakfast (the first round is for getting me through the commute). Today, with my resignation, RBS will be saying goodbye to one of its resident early birds.
I will leave HSBC in my attempt to fulfill my dream of seeing the world. My journey will begin in the hot sands of Dubai, where I hope to find a new career path (and perhaps a man..hehehe). I am fortunate to have family who will take care of me while I embark on this adventure.
When I first arrived at the doorsteps of Chargeback three years ago, I knew nothing about the banking industry. Working for two-and-a-half years in a call centre, I was a Senior Workforce Analyst before I joined HSBC. Ask me how many calls the centre was going to receive for the day and I could tell you. Given the forecast, I can determine how many people should be taking calls inorder to “save each half-hour” and ensure that the SLAs are met. Ask me what chargeback is and how long that takes and my face will go blank. I do have a good ear for all sorts of American and British accents and I can adopt them if I have to, but if I will be asked to recompute finance charges or do N531 entries in HUB and HCC, I’ll surely be dead. The call centre environment was very laidback. My perception of a bank was very stiff and formal. I was chatty and cheeky Qdesk Roma. What will I be in HSBC?
I was to learn HCC screens, N531 entries and chargeback reason codes in two weeks. I had to, because my predecessor Joy, was scheduled to move to another department in that span of time. I remember dreading coming to work everyday (the skirts and stockings, which were the prescribed attire then, were not very commuter-friendly and thus added to the stress), my heart jumping every time the phone rang. It was like being quizzed everyday, and I was not exactly sure if I knew the proper answer to the question that the person was asking on the other line. I was a newbie again, and by the end of those two weeks I was ready to give up. Fortunately, three weeks later, another newbie came, and then another, and another. Hooray for new friends!
Those two weeks became three long years of filing chargebacks, attending to the inquiries from anyone and everyone, forming friendships both inside and outside the bank and yes, even performing the much-dreaded N531 entries. I would then like to take this opportunity to thank those who have been part of my journey here in HSBC.
To Kath and Gene who acted as my parents here in Chargeback, thank you for equipping me with the knowledge and skills to survive for the last three years. I appreciate the opportunities you have given me because through them, I was able to discover more about myself. I entered Chargeback as a writer and now I am leaving as a trainer.
To the Chargeback team who treated me like family, thank you for your continued support. You have been a witness to each smile, laughter, tear and even fits of anger and frustration (read: table-pounding moments). I would not have gotten this far without your encouragement.
To Suzette, I am thankful that I have found a kindred spirit in you. The last year was indeed a struggle and I would like you to know that I found comfort in the thought that I will be seeing you in the morning and everything will be more bearable. I have found my strength in you just as you have found your strength in me. Most of what I know about MasterCard, I owe to you. I will miss our conversations, no matter how silly or serious they were. I am truly, truly blessed with your friendship.
To the MRT girls, Macy, Rica and Chum, thank you for making the commute a more enjoyable experience. Thanks to the long queues for the Fort Bus and the MRT, we have become good friends. (Yes, the commute is that loooonnnggg, long enough to form strong friendships.)
To the CFMS team, thank you for keeping me on my toes. I don’t know which is worse, getting a heart attack from the prompts every morning or seeing you in the elevator, the bathroom or the various dining places. Seriously now, I have come to see you as friends, which make work less stressful. Thank you for helping me out during the Citibank error phenomenon. I too, share in your happiness whenever a case is closed. ;)
To the people over at Fin, thanks for patiently entertaining my questions about, you guessed it, N531 entries! :) I admire the work that you put into what you do. Thank you for the encouragement and the new learnings!
To the Premier RMs, oh how we hate lost cards! Haha! I know it is not always easy to explain the procedures and policies to the clients. I appreciate the effort you put into your job.
To Dax and Pete, thank you for further sparking my interest in photography. Your words of encouragement have certainly boosted my confidence in taking pictures.
To my counterparts in Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei and Sri Lanka, through you I have learned a lot about different cultures, probably even more than what can be read from books. Our regular conversations have made me more appreciative of the richness and diversity of your countries. I hope that you have also gained a better understanding of Filipinos and of the Philippines. My sweets may have reached your shores first but I am hopeful that I will all get to meet you someday. Thank you for sharing your language too. Do keep in touch! Terima kasih. Isthuthee. Salamat. Thank you.
To friends and acquaintances whose paths I have crossed with, it’s been a pleasure knowing and working with like-minded individuals. I have thrived for three years because of your willingness to reciprocate the warmth and friendship that I have freely extended.
I still find it surreal that I am writing this now. I am leaving HSBC as a Senior Chargeback Analyst (It seems that I always end up a Senior Analyst…hehe). I am proud of what I have achieved but I am even happier that I have made many friends both inside and outside the bank. I will always be proud and happy to be known as Chargeback Roma.
In the zodiac, Scorpio (my sign) is considered the sign of transformation. Like a phoenix, I must heed the call to transform. Many have asked my feelings regarding this big change. I am a bit frightened but I only have to think of the good words and warm wishes that you have all offered. Excuse me while I make yet another leap into the fire. It is my fervent hope that I will again rise from the ashes, find my wings and soar to greater heights.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Today... 16 June 2008
Today, I got up a full 15 minutes earlier than my usual waking time of 4:30am. The first thing that I said was, “Ang init!”
Today, I hardly slept. I had difficulty sleeping the night before, as is the case every Sunday. In addition to that, I was repeatedly roused by text messages at 12:30 am and 2:00 am. The latter said that the postcards my friend got for me got torn. It was his way of telling me that he was already back from the US to bug me with mindless text messages like the one that I had just received. Point taken.
Today, I counted 10 cats on my way to work. I consider it a good day when I at least see 4 cats. What else can a boring Monday bring?
Today, I was too tired to put on make up. I did not care that I looked pale nor did I mind that a few stray baby hairs were crowning my head already.
Today, my goddaughter Elisha officially turns two years old. My other goddaughter, Yuki, is officially six months old. I, on the other hand, just turned 27 years and 7 months old. I am just 5 months shy of my 28th birthday.
Today, I realized that I only have 2 more Mondays left in HSBC. That leaves me with 10 more banking days to work. My stint with the world’s local bank ends on June 30, 2008.
Today, a friend told me about an opening in Dubai.
Today, over at lunch, my officemates and I discuss our trips abroad and how our travels open our eyes to new realities. Again, we shake our heads and concede that the Philippines is going nowhere. Today, we realize that it is time to look beyond the confines of our own country for a better future.
Today, people approached me and asked about my impending resignation. Today, I had to again explain my reason for leaving. The reaction of course was all too familiar: the initial shock, followed by sadness, then excitement and in the end they all wished me well.
Today, I realize that a surprise is a surprise. That surprise came via a phone call from a beautiful stranger. He asked if I was free to join him for dinner. I was shocked as I was in the middle of reconstructing a cardholder’s letter. I had looked forward to going home at 7 pm. Faced with a decision, I just closed my eyes and said yes. People at work became curious who was on the other end of the line. They probably saw that I was a bit dumbstruck. Soon, everyone got kilig (Why do I always get that kind of reaction?). Someone started playing some cheesy love songs. Another opened my multiply page to play the songs that I have previously recorded. Almost the entire floor heard them. I was mortified that people were hearing my voice and I was embarrassed from their occasional teasing about this person inviting me to dinner. Suddenly I found myself in a sitcom-like situation. My female boss behaved like a mom and said I should fix myself. My male boss acted like a father and kept asking about this guy. All the rest were like members of my family, dishing out advice one after the other. Everyone looked as I left my table and they were all cheering and smiling at me. It was bizarre.
Today, I had to face the surprise, and luckily, I enjoyed it. Strangely, today was exactly a month after my first dinner with the beautiful stranger. Almost two hours were spent just having great conversations about our lives in the past, the present and the future. It was another great opportunity to know each other better. I had my share of Middle East and Diving 101. We learned about each other’s family, friends, work, the concept of beauty, food, relationships, etc. etc! Story after story and question over question poured over a hearty dinner of crispy tadyang and green mango with bagoong. Yum.
Today, I realized that I love to be around people who have lived abroad and/or who have traveled extensively. I relish the wealth of perspective that they give me and I appreciate their open-mindedness over anything and everything immensely.
Today, I am tired but I am happy.
Today, I am blessed.This was written last night before I slept. Ü
Sunday, March 2, 2008
what My Birthday (November 16) Means
Monday, February 18, 2008
In Focus: Marc Nelson and Rovilson Fernandez of The Amazing Race Asia 2

In the team's profile, Rovilson was quoted as saying this: "We promise you the most animated, exciting, lovable, huggable and most fun team on The Amazing Race Asia." Now that the race is officially over, it is good to note that these two delivered on their promise. Not only were they the most animated, exciting, lovable, huggable and most fun. They were also, in my opinion at least, the most consistent and most sportsmanlike. They never bickered with each other and were out to really have a great time (how about dancing on a pole to earn some extra cash?). They treated each task as an opportunity to test their character rather than see it as another chore. I even have the feeling that they had the most fun in the race. No wonder a lot of people were rooting for this dynamic duo!!!
Watching the finale last Thursday was a harrowing experience for me. Rushing from work and being the first to arrive home, I immediately turned on the TV. I was just in time for the show, yey! For the next hour, I watched, mesmerized and forgetting to eat dinner. I was glad that they were leading for most of the race. Maybe, just maybe, they really have a good shot at winning the prize. I remained hopeful despite the gnawing feeling that the Singapore team would win (I knew it the minute I saw their Sony commercial). Then the Roadblock came. I was screaming at the top of my lungs out of frustration as Rovilson struggled to match the flags. I was putting myself in the shoes of these two and wondered how excruciating this must be for them. My heart literally ached as I saw the gym buddies and the sisters finish the task and hurriedly scrambled to the final pitstop.
However, in a rare display of magnanimity despite the inevitable loss, Marc and Rovilson ran with the Philippine flag in tow. When they reached the pitstop, the two gleefully jumped and shouted the usual, "Base!!!". After Allan Wu announced that they finished third place, the two humbly said, "We'll take it!", hugged and congratulated each other for a job well done. Allan even praised the two by saying, "No team was even near the caliber of you two."
They may not have ended up as the grand prize winners of the race, but what matters more is how they were able to, and I shall quote Marc this time, "play the game the way our parents raised us to play the game of life." In a country whose citizens are pining for new heroes, these two inspire us to not only give but also be the best that we can ever be. At a time when it seems that there is nothing that the Filipino can be proud of, their victory can be considered a remarkable milestone. To Marc and Rovilson, thank you for making the Filipinos proud once again.
Quotable Valentine Quotes
Valentine's Day morning. My boss said that he will kill whoever it was who invented this day. This he muttered while fixing the bouquet of flowers he asked someone else to buy. Heck, he could not even identify the flowers that he was giving away!!! It was fun watching him do all of this. By the way, he didn't even give them personally to his wife who worked just two floors above us. He says it's corny.
When work was over, another one of my boss's colleagues came over. My boss was browsing a book to pick a restaurant for Valentine's dinner. His colleague sympathized with him, "Pare, ewan ko ba, hindi ko talaga maintindihan ang mga babae! Pag binigyan mo ng bulaklak, sasabihin sayang ang pera. Pag di mo naman binigyan, magagalit at sasabihing hindi mo na sya mahal!" (I really don't understand women! If you give them flowers, they will say that it's a waste of money. When you don't give them flowers, they get mad and complain that you don't love them!). I smile wickedly.
Then they launched into another series of rants. That they were only doing these for their wives. That this was too much of a hassle. That Valentine's Day is too commercialized. That this is the only day that the business of selling flowers hits the jackpot. And then these two quotes:
"Getting married will always be a blunder."
"Marriage will never be a right decision."
I look at them, smile and shake my head in amazement. They both smile at me.
And you thought girls were the only ones who bitched about things.
Manyak Monday
11 February 2008. I was never prepared to witness something like this on a Monday morning.
The guy sitting across me had fine features: aquiline nose, nice eyes, muscular built. In one of the jeepney's stops, two women got inside the jeep and sat beside the good-looking guy. The girl sitting beside the guy wore an off-shoulder blouse. I happen to notice that the guy kept looking on the girl's shoulder. I even checked if he was checking out the girl's boobs. It didn't seem that way though. Still, the guy kept looking at the girl's shoulder, so I thought this was weird. As the jeep continued to lurch, the guy started elbowing the girl and she in turn, elbowed back. The girl was obviously annoyed. My mom and I both raised our eyebrows. Mama couldn't contain her disgust and blurted, "Simpleng manyak!". I wanted to throw my heavy bag at him
Finally, the girl got off in Muñoz. The guy kept looking way after she got off. Eewwww. I cannot believe that guys could easily get turned on by just a small piece of flesh. I would understand boobs or legs, but the shoulder?!?! C'mon!!! Ewwww.
18 February 2008. Evening. On the north-bound MRT, I saw a big girl in full tennis gear: white jacket over a purple shirt, white mini skirt, trainers, a tennis racket and a bag. Nothing wrong, except that the girl was not sitting properly!!! Instead of feet flat on the floor, she was on tiptoes!!! From the coach's big glass window right across her, i could see her panty!!! Eeewwww. It did not help that there were two men standing across her obviously enjoying the view. Double eeewwww.
I started my day with a nangmamanyak and ended it with a namamanyak. Eewwww.
Monday, January 28, 2008
What I Did During The Weekend
- woke up at 9am
- enjoyed my favorite corned beef for breakfast
- enjoyed a warm foot soak in my bubble foot massager
- cut my toenails and removed my nail polish
- watched Katoque and gaped at the mouth-watering recipes
- ate chicharon with rice
- watched Eat Bulaga's opening number. Their theme was Pinagbiyak na Bunga which showcased look-alikes. Jaya paired up with Julia and Pilita with Pauline. For the finale, it was Regine Velasquez and Michael V! It was so hilarious that I caught myself laughing out loud
- enjoyed the episode of Oprah which guested Justin Timberlake, Reba McIntyre and Kelly Clarkson. Justin's take on fame was very refreshing. I admire him now more than ever!
- read my Lonely Planet book and fell asleep at around 4pm, dreaming about Southeast Asian destinations
- woke up at 11 pm. My mom was forced to sleep in my room because I slept in hers.
- watched Amazing Race Asia where I fervently wished that Marc Nelson and Rovilson Fernandez maintain their good standing in the race. Luckily, they managed to be at number two!
- chatted with Ron, Jumbz and Anna who were at Bistro to watch Streamline (again)
- watched Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights for a second time and drooled over Diego Luna and relished the Cuban beat
- slept at 2 am and woke up 6 hours later
- was roused from sleep with the honking of Manong Dyaryo's (that's what I call the newspaper man) horn
- got really mad at him because he left so soon despite my frantic calls of "Sandali, sandali!!!"
- walked a few blocks and spotted him (lucky me!)...thank God I didnt have to walk farther for two broadsheets which are inevitably part of my Sunday mornings
- enjoyed my brunch of fish and veggies dipped in honey mustard sauce
- watched half of Penelope Cruz's film Italia, which was, well, in Italian
- read the Philippine Star and the Philippine Daily Inquirer
- learned that Renaldo Lapuz used to be a tricycle driver at Sikatuna Village for 11 years!Ü
- watched Twin Sisters (Der Tweeling) on M-net (an African cable channel). It's a story about twin German girls separated at the age of 6. Anna remained with her poor relatives in Germany while Lotte was adopted by middle-class relatives who live in Holland. The story stretched from pre- to post-war Germany and Holland. This is one highly-recommended movie!
- almost burned my ham and sausage omelette (which soon became scrambled eggs with ham and sausage..hahaha!)
- washed the dishes while listening and dancing to Chris Brown on my iPod
- read Jessica Zafra's Twisted Travels till my eyes gave up
I really look forward to more weekends like this! One need not spend a lot to enjoy the simpler things in life. Ü
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Sensation That Is Renaldo Lapuz

Thursday, January 17, 2008
What Romina Means
What Romina Means |
![]() You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
What Roma Means
What Roma Means |
![]() You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
Monday, January 14, 2008
Lucky Break
Taking the Pamana bus (yes, that is one of my favorite bus lines, the other one being Cher) means having to endure a longer, albeit a little more comfortable, trip to Makati. Luckily, the bus skillfully weaved its way through traffic so I was at the Buendia MRT after 45 minutes. I took a very short ride from the Buendia station to Ayala, where my next ride (the Fort bus especially commissioned for HSBC employees) awaited. After 15 minutes or so, I was at the office, all fresh and awake. :) All in all, the trip from Bulacan to the Fort took me approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes. Whew! What I'd give for comfort and a few more minutes of sleep!
The rest of the day kept me busy: 200++ transactions waiting to be manually posted or written off, cardholders inquiring about the status of their disputes, inquiries from Customer Service regarding the posting of credit for the double uploaded transactions, the cleanup in preparation for the auditor's (supposedly) surprise arrival tomorrow, etc. etc! Help came in the form of Suzette, who helped me with the floating transactions.
Things began to really turn after work ended at 7pm. An officemate offered a ride till the Ayala MRT. Macy, Franz and I had lots of fun discussing National Treasure 2. Soon, the talk shifted to the state of Philippine cinema and how Resiklo was just an imitation of Transformers. Franz was spot on when he said that the biggest irony was this: Bong Revilla was chasing after movie pirates when the concept of his own movie is, in a way, also "pirated". At the risk of sounding judgemental (none of us watched the movie), I still think he has a point. We all wondered why Filipinos cannot come up with original concepts. Well, that is a different story altogether, but something worth thinking about. Even more entertaining was how Franz delivered his commentary with so much gusto that you would think one of his veins was about to pop out.Ü
As if saving my bus fare was not enough, another lucky break presented itself via the FX driver. He happened to live in the same village (but in a different phase) so I was able to save a large chunk of my tricycle fare (I take two tricycles by the way). Lucky me!Ü
Again, today wasn't so bad. Tomorrow may just be a different story. Good luck to me!Ü
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Ode To My Powershot A610 And High Hopes For My Poweshot A570 IS
It would take another week before I was able to take it to the Canon Service Center in Pasong Tamo, Makati. The service guy finally confirmed my worst fears. The lens sunk and the shutter could not even open. A death sentence was just handed down to my beloved camera. Desperately, I asked the guy if there was still a chance to save it. There was a small silver lining when he said that they can still fix the problem. He proceeded to give me a quote for the repair and service costs. He wrote the numbers in a small piece of paper. My eyes nearly popped when I read it. It costs a whopping PHP9,822.00 to have my camera restored: PHP7,922.00 to replace the optic lens and PHP1,900.00 for the service charge. That amount can buy a new digicam already and that's half the amount for the higher-end camera models!!! I decided to think things out first.
Slowly, the reality started sinking in and I was waxing sentimental about my first digicam. I could still remember buying it on the final days of yet another Canon promo. I even asked my friend Candice to accompany me to the Canon D-zone in Glorietta after lunch. It cost PHP21,950.00 then and I slaved for a whole year to pay for it.
My Powershot A610 might have been a bit heavy but it more than made up for it with its great features. I loved it because of its vari-angle lens, which made it easier for me to take photos of myself. Ü This proved handy whenever no one else was on hand to take a picture. My mama and I had pictures together in Hongkong and Macau. I used it to take silly pics with Chrys and a bunch of other silly friends. It saw me through weddings, baptisms and even funerals. I could go on and on but I would just let my photo albums in Multiply speak for themselves.
This was indeed a great loss for me but I was comforted with the thought that my first digicam served me well. Perhaps it was really time for it to take a much-deserved rest.
The succeeding days saw me consumed with the desire to buy a new one. Luckily, there was an on-going Canon promo so I could get a new one on installment. The next problem now was choosing the model for my next camera. I wanted to have a camera that belonged to the same family as my first one but I soon found out that it was overly expensive. Achingly, I decided to let go of my illusions of having another camera with a vari-angle lens. The choice was now down to three: Powershot SX100, Powershot A720 IS and Powershot A570 IS. For the most part of the week, I believed that the first one was the best choice. However, it did not have a normal viewfinder. The choice was narrowed down to two. The Powershot A720 IS came with a camera case, a 1GB SD card, an Energizer charger with 2 batteries and a Ray-Ban gift certificate. After much thought, I decided that I would have no use for the shades so I decided to get Powershot A570 IS. It took me one whole week to arrive at that decision. Mind you, it was one of the most difficult decisions I had to make. To get to that point, I consulted other photography aficionados, researched the web till my eyes could take no more, read my book on digital photography, visited two shots and caressed the different Powershot models and prayed that I would make the right choice.Ü
Today, I finally bought a new camera. The restlessness has come to an end. I am once again filled with renewed hope. I am confident that together with my camera, I will conquer the world, one shot at a time. (Wow, such a sweeping statement! Hahaha!) Ü
It's Just Another Rainy Day
Wait, it's not just any other rainy day. It's January and it's not supposed to rain!!! Today, (or should I say yesterday since it's midnight already) I woke up to the sound of rain heavily pounding on the roof. It took a while before I opened my eyes. For a few moments, I just listened to the rain, wondering whether I was just hearing things. The rains don't come at this time of the year, not just yet. Surely, yesterday's weather was not an indication of things to come. It was all bright and sunny. And now this.
The first thing I asked my mom was, "Umuulan ba talaga?" (Is it really raining?). My mom sarcastically answered, "Naku, hindi!" (Of course not!). I was dumbfounded. I had plans of going to the mall to catch a movie, undergo a routinary lab procedure, visit the dermatologist for a check-up and possibly buy a digicam. Alas, none of those plans came to fruition.
I was hoping that the rains would stop in the afternoon. Twelve noon passed, then two o'clock. Still no sign of stopping. I busied myself with finishing my blog entries and surfing the net for more information regarding Canon Powershot camera models. I read my digital photography book until I fell asleep. I must have slept for about 5 hours. I woke up again at 8pm. The rains have not ceased. I let out another sigh.
Maybe this was God's way of redefining my idea of relaxation. I resolved not to work overtime this weekend. The past week was all about work stress, strange dinners and 5-hour dates with my bed. My idea of relaxing was going to the mall. God made it more economical. The rains prevented me from leaving the house so I was forced to do something else. I was able to sleep half the day off. The remaining hours were spent reading, writing, having lunch and dinner with my mom, enjoying healthy meals of fish, ham and salad, watching TV, downloading songs and enjoying the music.
One rainy day at home isn't so bad after all.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Tonight's Dinner
- Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt (Berry Mix Medley)
- half a liter of water
- 5 pcs of Pringles (original flavor) dipped in sour cream
- leftover marshmallows
That certainly provided more variety compared to yesterday's dinner of ham and cheese sandwich downed with some pineapple-orange juice.
Unbelievable, but true. I have survived many a night without having a decent meal. Blame it on overtime and commute fatigue. Of course it does not help that I cannot immediately sleep. Bedtime is at 11pm and waking time is some 5-6 hours later.
Yawn. It's almost bedtime. Tomorrow is the last day of work. Finally. I'm surviving yet another week filled with stress and strange dinners.
System Shutdown
At half past five, everyone was in a hurry to get out. Some colleagues and I were on our way to watch National Treasure 2 at the Powerplant Mall. It was a fitting end to an otherwise unproductive day.
My 2008 Wishlist
For the kitchen:
- non-stick pans (various sizes)
- blender
- tongs and spatula with rubber tips/handles
- non-stick pots
- electric grill
- sandwich maker
Scents, etc
- body splash, body lotion, shower gel, anti-bacterial handwash or lotion from Bath and Bodyworks. favorite variants are pearberry, country apple, cool citrus and basil, cherry. others are also welcome though i prefer subtle and not-too-sweet scents.
Undergarments and Sleepwear
- tank tops or sando
- boxer shorts
- boyleg panties
For the mind:
- subscription to Reader's Digest or Cosmo magazine
- the 5 remaining books from the Chronicles of Narnia series by HarperTrophy Publishing(my friends gave me the 1st two and they plan to give it in installments...hahahaha)
- Dreams From My Father
- The Lonely Planet Guide to the Philippines
- 1000 Places To Go To Before You Die
- Food Trip by Claude Tayag
- Edith Hamilton's Mythology (I lent my copy and it was never returned)
- Wuthering Heghts (Signet classics)
For the techie in me:
- Canon digicam/DSLR
- laptop
- dual sim phone for my eload business
- an iPod cover for my ipod video 30GB
- mini tripod
- external hard drive
- CD-RWs
- a lomo camera with a fisheye lens
For the fashionista and kikay in me:
- bags, bags and more bags!!! - I never seem to have enough of them. Bags of all shapes and sizes will do, though i really prefer bags that have form (not flowy or formless, bags that can stand alone) and have a lot of pockets or partitions. Most of my bags are in neutral colors (black, brown, beige, white). Maybe it's time to have a shiny red bag! :)
- eyeshadow (I am partial to natural colors as well as blue, silver, gold, purple and hints of green)
- red shoes/sandals
- lipstick and lipgloss
- a set of makeup brushes
- hairdryer (with hot and cold air) - for that more polished hairstyle
- a simple black belt - make sure you get a long one :)
- earrings
- a charm bracelet
For my collections:
- stamp albums
- more stamps especially from Africa and South America
- coin albums
- coins
- postcards
- boxes to contain my postcards
- tourist maps