I got home at a little before 9pm. Not wanting to bother myself with cooking something edible, i just scrounged for food. Here's what tonight's dinner consisted of:
- Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt (Berry Mix Medley)
- half a liter of water
- 5 pcs of Pringles (original flavor) dipped in sour cream
- leftover marshmallows
That certainly provided more variety compared to yesterday's dinner of ham and cheese sandwich downed with some pineapple-orange juice.
Unbelievable, but true. I have survived many a night without having a decent meal. Blame it on overtime and commute fatigue. Of course it does not help that I cannot immediately sleep. Bedtime is at 11pm and waking time is some 5-6 hours later.
Yawn. It's almost bedtime. Tomorrow is the last day of work. Finally. I'm surviving yet another week filled with stress and strange dinners.
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