Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Christmas Gifts

Gifts have never lost their allure on me. Seeing neatly wrapped presents always makes my eyes sparkle. Like a kid, I caress the wrappers and shake the box to get a feel of what is inside.

It is sad that as one grows older, fewer gifts are received. You know you are getting old because you start getting presents in paper bags. The boxes are also smaller (but sometimes the content is more expensive!). The element of surprise is somehow diminished because you already prepared a wishlist for your friends. The good thing, however, is that you at least get what you really like. In extreme cases, friends do away with wrapping and will just drag you to the store to buy your item of choice. I find nothing wrong with it but well, it's less fun. This is how grownups do it. Sometimes I wish I was a kid again.Ü

Here are my most-loved loot for Christmas 2007:
  • Can opener. I do not know how to open cans. Well, I do, but not with the one that we have at home (It's the kind that you stick the sharp edge first then slowly move your way around the rim of the can). I am left-handed and I always have a hard time with this can opener that I have to ask my mom to do this simple job. Now, I can open cans easily which makes for hassle-free cooking! What makes this can opener special is that it was bought in Ikea Singapore.
  • Green Tea by Elizabeth Arden. This is a real treat! I love this fragrance because it makes you smell clean and fresh.
  • 1001 Little Beauty Miracles. It's an interesting book that contains, well, 1001 tips for taking care of your skin, face and hair. I am not very kikay, but it's a girl must-have!
  • Personalized notebook. It's very handy to have. I plan to make it my dream notebook. This is where I will be posting pictures of the things I want to have and the places I want to visit.

Special thanks to Aly and April who bought these gifts from their new "homes" in Singapore and Australia. Come to think of it, this is also one of the advantages of having friends based abroad. You can ask for stuff that are not found or are hard to find here in the Philippines! Ü

I would also like to thank my friends who have not forgotten to include me in their Christmas list! :) Gifts may be fewer now and may not be wrapped as fancily, but I have learned to have a deeper appreciation for the presents that I have received.

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