Monday, April 18, 2011

I Miss My Kanin!

Today, I did not eat rice.  Breakfast consisted of one cup of organic muesli with non-fat milk.  I felt like a cow chewing grass - mechanically making chewing motions and swallowing afterwards.  There were some tasty bits but man, it was tasteless and boring for the most part.  Ah well, maybe I should put more fruit to make it a little more interesting!  That was the hardest one cup of anything that I ever ate!

Lunch fare consisted of my shrimp and egg salad a piece of whole wheat organic Arabic bread and a banana.  Definitely better than breakfast, save for the fact that the bread was a bit soggy from the salad.  Note to self:  pack them separately.  

I also had organic chips (or crisps if you're British) in sour cream and onion flavor just to satisfy the muncher in me.

I don't know if my body was still on vacation mode or it just probably got the shock of its life that I fell asleep as soon as I hit my bed.  I wake up some 2 hours later to put eye drops again, not feeling very hungry, strangely enough. However, I figured that if I did not eat anything tonight, I would probably wake up in the middle of the night, hunger pangs too great to ignore!  I ate another banana and downed it with non-fat milk.

The rest of my flatmates were eating deep-fried pork.  The aroma of it just made my mouth water but hey, I am not going to be weak on my first day!  I will probably be a grumpy woman by Easter next week!  Hahaha!

All in all, I would say I did well on my first day of a what is to be a "very challenging week".  I think this is my way of making up for the excess that was the Manila-Singapore holiday, a chance for me to reintroduce control in my life (I have been leaning towards giving in to all things convenient - literally and figuratively - recently) and deciding to take the Lenten sacrifice to another level by not just skipping meat on Good Friday but for the entire Holy Week as well.  (That was a looonnng sentence - my English teachers will not be pleased!)  Taking inspiration from the special airline meals I have taken in the last 2 weeks, I am trying to experiment with a healthier way of eating.  I have learned that I can still feel full just by eating small portions of a variety of things.  I still cringe on the thought that I will be eating more veggies and fruits but with this no meat thing, my choices are more limited.  

I may have missed my kanin today but tomorrow I will put that back in the menu but in smaller quantities.  (OK, maybe I will start with just one cup and then maybe half a cup next time - I will be going mental if the move is too drastic!).  All I can say is, so help me God.  Hahahaha!  

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